"Don't you wonder sometimes about sound and vision?"
Sound is what makes the visuals come to life, every breath, every movement of fabric gives depth to a moment in time. So many ingredients come together to make a great tasting meal, and each one comes from a different place where it originates, grows and thrives. We source the various ingredients of sound, vision, music and animation and these are examples of artists we work with.
We've teamed with Portland photographer, Gregory D. Lancaster in creating multiple gallery shows, a Portland Cold Case Series, and a visual and atmospheric experience.
Composer William Cannon will provide sound, music and atmosphere to pair with Gregory's photography and visual presentation.
Music strikes us with emotional memory every time we hear it. It connects us to a time, a place and a visual. Your finished project should be an original piece in every sense of the word. A piece of music that matches the visual edits and sets a tone for the story makes for a striking and powerful impact to the human senses.
Our composer rolodex are a mix of talents who have played film festivals in Seattle, LA, and New York City. Songwriters experienced in 8-bit chip-tune, dark synth mash-ups and pop rock. Have worked with Johann Johannsson, Randy Newman and Pixar. They have scored documentaries, narrative ads and multiple features.
It's all in the minutia when it comes to set design. Light, color, props and other details give a scene depth and detail.
A lonely and often under respected form of creative work. Writing is thinking, crafting, shaping, developing entire worlds and characters all within the mind of a human being, put to word, its a blue print for the director to interrupt their vision on screen. One mind to the other.